

Sustainable Projects through the Tokyo Marathon 2023


In an effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the international community has set out to pursue, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation has been launching sustainability initiatives as part of the Tokyo Marathon events (sustainable event management) including charity projects and sports volunteering activities in cooperation with official partners.

In addition to the existing sustainability initiatives, the Tokyo Marathon 2023 will be implementing a new diversity initiative to create an inclusive society in which everyone can easily participate, regardless of whether they are LGBTQ+ (sexual minority), have a disability, or not.

■A barrier-free spectating area at the finish area

We hope for our barrier-free initiatives to support those who play, watch, and cheer on sports to lead to achieving a diverse society where we can all coexist.
*These initiatives are funded through the donations to the Tokyo Marathon Foundation Sports Legacy Project.
*Advance application is already closed.

■Universal Changing Rooms at the start,10.7km finish and finish area

With advice from Pride House Tokyo on the proper information regarding sexuality, how best to share said information, and how to operate events in a way that accommodates all sexualities, we are working to improve our own operational know-how.
*The foundation has also signed an agreement with Pride House Tokyo to promote diversity in sporting events. (2019)

Universal Changing Room logo mark

For more details about the Sustainable Projects through Tokyo Marathon 2023, please click here.

  • Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.