We have announced through an email tilted "Tokyo Marathon 2020 Entry Deferral Dates Postponed" (sent on May 15, 2020) that we will deliver a system to our registered runners of 2020 to select the event they wish to defer within July. However, the timeline has changed, and at this time, we would like to request our 2020 registered runners to participate in the quick survey to get a scope on the preference of the event they wish to defer (2021 or 2022). For all registered runners of 2020, please check your email for more details.
≪Survey Available Dates≫
From 11 a.m. (JST) on July 17, 2020 until 5 p.m. (JST) on July 31, 2020.
Regarding the Tokyo Marathon 2021 (scheduled March 7, 2021 (Sun.)), we are working to deliver the official details within August 2020, as the event is under thorough discussion while monitoring the situation surrounding the COVID-19.
Following that announcement, we will deliver the system for the registered runners of 2020 to make the official selection to defer their entry to either the "Tokyo Marathon 2021" or "Tokyo Marathon 2022".
We look forward to the cooperation from our runners in the survey, for the data collected will be used as a sample to reinforce our preparation of the next event.